Frequently Asked Questions

Will updates also be free?

Our primary goal is to ensure that you have a seamless and hassle-free experience with our solutions. To achieve this, we bundle our offerings in a way that they function optimally right from the start. Any updates we release are designed to enhance performance and add value, and they will be provided to you at no additional cost. We believe in continuous improvement and want to ensure that you always have access to the latest features and advancements without any extra burden.

Do I need any technical expertise to use your services?

While having technical expertise can always be an asset, it's not a requirement when working with us. We are a team of seasoned experts, and our primary role is to deliver a tailored solution to you, ensure its seamless operation, and most importantly, make certain you have a clear understanding of how everything functions. Our commitment is to bridge any technical gaps, making the process transparent and comprehensible for you. You can trust us to handle the complexities while keeping you informed every step of the way

I need something unique, Can you make it?

Absolutely! We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor our solutions to meet the distinct needs of each client. Our team is dedicated to understanding the unique challenges you face and crafting a solution that is not only innovative but also perfectly aligned with your objectives. We believe that every problem presents an opportunity for a bespoke solution, and we're eager to collaborate with you to bring your vision to life.

Is there any documentation and support?

Every plan we offer comes with comprehensive documentation in the form of a step-by-step PDF guide, ensuring you can seamlessly integrate and make the most of our solutions. We understand the importance of clear instructions and are committed to providing you with all the resources you need. Additionally, our dedicated support team is always on standby to assist you with any queries or challenges you might encounter. We're here to ensure your experience with our services is smooth and beneficial.

How do you handle data privacy?

We take data privacy extremely seriously.We also offer a unique service that empowers you to be the sole owner of your data. With this offering, you maintain complete control over your insights at all times. Our commitment is to ensure that you always have full authority and transparency over your data, while we provide the tools and expertise to safeguard it.

What about IoTechCrafts?

We are a small team who love to explore the latest technical trends, so we are use to wear many hats, including engineering, design, marketing, and sales. We decided that we want to bring our passion, with determination, hard work, closer to the real business world, where we can help other to improve a successful and thriving business.